Project Nephilim Series Wiki

Andrew's Notebook is the item Rhea is looking at while sitting in the park at the beginning of Hinc Illae Lacrimae. It is a journal her father kept, which includes, among other things, notes related to James Prescott and Lauren Westryn. It contains an orange plastic ring, which Rhea remarks, looks like the ones found on water bottles.

In the series finale, Andrew is seen writing in it before he announces his resignation to Chase. Following their conversation, he puts the small ring in the book where it remains following his death until his daughter finds it.

Production Notes[]

  • The original script contains an additional scene at the end of Sien Souhitent in which Chase agrees to allow Rhea (who has been curious about her father and police investigation) to look at some of her father's things related to James Prescott, including his journal. Due to scheduling issues and technical problems, this scene was never filmed.


There are a number of curious things in the notebook that sharp-eyed viewers can catch if they look closely.

  • A Bahir Tree with each of the ten Sephirot. This reference to Jewish mysticism is the second appearance of the Tree of Life in the series. A similar structure makes up the logo of the Dabareh Corporation. In Kabbalah, The Sephirot are considered revelations of the Creator's Will .
  • The Numbers: the numbers 4, 815 and 23 can be seen on one of the pages, with presumably 16 and 42 hidden by Rhea's hand. The producers have confirmed that while each number does in fact have a meaning and reason for being in the notebook, the sequence is intended solely to be a shout out to LOST.
  • Paradise Lost: A quote from John Milton's epic poem appears hastily scrawled on one of the pages. The quote references Satan and his horde's arrival in Hell, following their expulsion from heaven. This is the same quote left on the windshield of Chase's car by Repha'im in the series finale.
Nine times the space that measures day and night
To mortal men, he with his horrid crew
Lay vanquished, rolling in the fiery gulf,
Confounded, though immortal.  But his doom
Reserved him to more wrath; for now the thought
Both of lost happiness and lasting pain
Torments him.